Symptoms, prevention, and treatments for dry eyes

Symptoms, prevention, and treatments for dry eyes

Dry eyes occur when tear glands are not able to produce sufficient tears for eye lubrication. It is a condition that can be painful and uncomfortable. It could be due to environmental as well as medical factors. The term “dry eye syndrome” is used to describe this condition.

It is a chronic and advancing condition. It is curable depending on its cause and severity. It can be handled and treated with a number of dry eye treatments available.

Symptoms of dry eyes

  • The sensation of having something in your eyes
  • Dry and painful feeling in both the eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Redness of the eye
  • Mucus around and in the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Tired eyes
  • Blurry vision

Age, medicines, medical conditions, contacts, environmental factors, and allergies are some of the causes of dry eyes. The dry eye treatments depend on these factors.

Prevention tips for dry eyes

  • Staying away from cigarette smoke
  • Remain indoors when it is windy
  • Keep your eyes protected from the wind while skiing, cycling, riding, and walking in dusty regions
  • Maintain the humidity of the room and if needed keep a humidifier to add to the moisture
  • Add fatty acids to your diet. Include omega -3 rich foods such as flaxseed oil, palm oil, soybean oil, chia seeds, salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, walnuts, and eggs
  • Blink more often
  • Use sunglasses and eyewear for shielding the eyes
  • Remove eye makeup before sleeping
  • Clean your eyelids every day
  • Get enough sleep
  • Use a warm compress and then wash your eyelids
  • Try an omega-3 fatty acid supplement

Treatments for dry eyes
Some of the dry eye treatments to minimize the symptoms are:

Artificial tears
Try artificial tears, eye drops, and other nonprescription products that can relieve you of dry eyes. Ointments coat the eyeball and are thicker than eye drops. They offer relief for a longer time. It is better to use ointments before bedtime and drops during the day time. They are among the best dry eye treatments.

A number of eyedrops can be obtained over the counter. These lubricate the eyes. Artificial tears have different ingredients and viscosity. Low viscosity artificial tears are watery and thin. They offer little or no blurred vision with instant relief. However, the effect is short term and they need to be used frequently. High viscosity tears are gel-like and can lubricate your eyes for a longer time period. There will be blurry vision for a few minutes right after application.

Prescription medicines such as Restasis and Xiidra
Xiidra or Restasis is recommended as a prescribed medicine among dry eye treatments. It lubricates the surface of the eyes. It minimizes inflammation linked to dry eye syndrome and aids in natural tear generation. It keeps your eyes comfortable, moist, and healthy. It has to be used for a longer time period to be beneficial.

Steroid eye drops
Inflammation results in burning and redness which is one of the primary reasons for dry eye syndrome. Steroid eye drops deal with the inflammation caused due to dry eye. They are used as a short-term treatment.

With some dry eye treatments and tips to deal with the symptoms, one can lead a comfortable life and enhance their eye health.