Top treatment options for acne in adults

Top treatment options for acne in adults

Acne in adults can be a serious issue to deal with. The stubborn, painful inflammation can also leave marks and depressions, getting rid of which can be extremely difficult. Adult acne is a lot more different than teen acne, which is why it primarily requires medical attention from professionals. There are several kinds of treatment meant for curing acne in adults, which help in

  • preventing future acne breakouts,
  • lightening the dark spots, and
  • might even help in getting rid of it completely.

How is teen acne different from acne in adults?
Teen acne can occur due to a number of reasons. From hormonal fluctuation to sweaty skin, and increased oil secretion to lack of proper maintenance, anything can result in a breakout. Teen acne usually occurs in multiple numbers and also goes away on its own. These rarely require medical treatment, unless extremely severe. Unlike teen acne that are peculiarly small red bumps, acne in adults results in deeper sores with pus in it. It is bigger in size and doos not occur in clusters. Adult acne mostly results from clogged pores, increased oil secretion, germ build-up, pollution, etc. Adult acne can be stubborn and might leave marks on the face. These require thorough medical attention in severe cases.

Herein, we take a look at the best treatment options for acne in adults.


The medication required in treating acne in adults needs to be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. Some of them are

  • 5% Dapsone as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Retinoids for unclogging follicles and pores.
  • Creams containing benzoyl peroxide act as cleansers.
  • Antibiotics help in reducing inflammation and redness of the skin.

Birth control pills
Birth control pills also help in reducing acne in adults to a great extent. This is because such pills help in regulating the hormones that are primarily responsible for acne breakouts. However, these are not prescribed as a medication for acne.

Laser therapy
One of the most recently introduced treatments for acne in adults, laser therapy has taken the world by storm. Laser therapy uses laser technology that helps in cleaning up the pores and sucks out the germs and pollutants that clog them. It also closes the pores and follicles so that the problem does not recur in the near future. The treatment also prevents excessive oil secretion from the sebaceous glands and thus has a long term effect. However, this particular treatment for acne in adults is extremely expensive and requires repeated sessions.

Acne in adults tends to go away or reduce in number with age. This is because as we grow older, our hormonal fluctuations tend to reduce and have a lesser impact on our body. However, even at a younger age, acne can be prevented or reduced by natural treatments at home. For example, turmeric has been proven to help in curing pimples and acne.