How to prevent deep vein thrombosis
What is deep vein thrombosis? Deep vein thrombosis or DVT occurs when a blood clot develops inside a deep vein. This condition can even be life-threatening. The common symptoms are pain and swelling, accompanied by tenderness, usually in your legs. The most common reasons for DVT include hormone therapy, immobility, and pregnancy. Can you prevent DVT? DVT can result in serious medical problems and can even turn out to be life-threatening. Which is why it is important to treat it right away. DVT once formed can block blood flow to your heart completely or partially and damage one-way valves inside your veins. At times the clot may even break free and move to large organs like the lungs, which can prove to be dangerous. Reports suggest that at least one out of ten patients suffering from DVT, usually succumb to it because of associated complications. As many as 350,000 DVT cases are diagnosed annually in the country. In many cases, people are not even aware of it. If you are at risk of developing DVT, there are a couple of things you can do to prevent it. Deep vein thrombosis prevention tips: Surgery, as well as some other medical treatments, heighten the chances of acquiring DVT.
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