A guide to managing the symptoms of ADHD
ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder that affects the brain and leads to behavioral symptoms like difficulty in paying attention and hyperactive behavior. ADHD usually affects children and leads to problems at school, but the behavioral problems caused by this condition can last until adulthood. A child diagnosed with ADHD may find it difficult to pay attention and may have problems focusing while studying or performing a task. It becomes difficult for them to work in an organized manner because of which they can forget routine tasks. Hyperactivity can lead to symptoms like fidgeting, inability to sit still, and talking too much. Managing the symptoms of ADHD ADHD can be treated in different ways. Prescription medicines can stimulate the brain and help in managing the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. But these medications can also cause some side effects. So, many parents look for other options for managing the symptoms of ADHD. Here are some ways in which one can manage the symptoms of ADHD in children: Behavior therapy Behavior therapy is a popular way to manage ADHD due to its effectiveness. Here, the parents, in coordination with the teachers, work with a child to change their behavior.
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